Food and flea markets

There are fruit boxes, you can breathe the smell of good things. The intense chatter, of life. They are food and flea markets. The city’s commerce carries a heavy history, perhaps as old as the
world itself, or at least since the peasants started to come to town, some to sell something, some to see animals, some to buy. The road was long, but pleasant.
Also because, for one day a week, they would leave the countryside
and talk with others. Now, while strolling through the markets “districts” it is impossible to ignore
everything that has been and still is.
Food and flea markets: timetables and events in Monregalese
Food and flea markets in Mondovì

The market in the centre of Breo
Saturday is the day of the main market in Mondovì: the stalls occupy the entire space of Piazza Ellero, and
some neighboring squares such as Piazza Carlo Ferrero and Via Primo Silvestrini.
Under the large canopy of Piazza Ellero there is the “farmer’s market”, easy to find. Here, where the
excellent quality goes hand in hand with excellent prices, you can buy locally produced cheeses, cold cuts
and vegetables.
When? On Tuesdays and Saturdays from 8am to 2pm
Where? Piazza Ellero, in Mondovì Breo
Mondovì Altipiano
When? Every Wednesday morning
Where? In Altipiano quarter in Mondovì
The antiques market
In Mondovì you can find the antiques market in Ellero square on the fourth Sunday of every month, all year round
The market of Ceva

The traditional market which combines ancient traditions and a large array of stalls takes place every
Wednesday morning. To this is added the smaller format on Saturday in Piazza Gandolfi. In addition, on
Saturday, in front of the Town Hall, there are local producers promoted by the Association “Friends of
Tanaria” who proudly carry on the values of biodiversity and respect for traditions.
When? Every Wednesday morning and Saturday morning
Where? On Wednesdays morning in the historical centre (for the period of Covid-19 restrictions it has
been transferred to) Piazza D’Armi. On Saturdays in the historical center and in Piazza Gandolfi.
Food and flea markets: timetables and events in Monregalese
The market of Dogliani

The traditional Tuesday market has remained the same as it has always been: crowded and varied. The
walk winds through the historic center of the town between the truffle market in autumn, the small
producers of fresh cheeses, the sellers of sorghum for the binding of the vines and the agricultural workers
who sell their produce near the covered wing of Confraternita square. On Saturday, the event is repeated
with food stalls located in Piazza Carlo Alberto and with farmers under the covered wing of Piazza
When? Every Tuesday morning and Saturday morning
Where? In the historic center on Tuesday and in Piazza Carlo Alberto and under the covered wing of Piazza Confraternita on Saturday.
The market of Carrù

When? Every Thursday from 8am to 1pm
Where? The stalls are placed along Corso Einaudi and throughout the old town
The market of Villanova

When? The market in Villanova is on Thursdays, from 8am to 1pm
Where? In and around Piazza Filippi.
Food and flea markets: timetables and events in Monregalese
The market of Peveragno
When? On Mondays all year round from 8am to 1pm
Where? Around piazza Toselli
The market of Garessio
When? The market takes place on Fridays, from 8am to 1pm
Where? In and around Indemini square.
The market of Bagnasco
When? On Saturdays all year round from 8am to 1pm
Where? Along the streets in the centre of the town.
The market of Chiusa Pesio
When? On Sundays all year round from 8am to 1pm
Where? In and around Piazza Vittorio Veneto.